大学で英語を毎日1時間学ぶようになって今日で10日目でした。 ただのフリートークでは1時間持たない英語力なので、 ここ1週間は、毎日新しい絵本を先生と一緒に読んで、 わからなかった単語を書き出していき、それを調べることと、 その単語を使って文章を…
日本語は下にあります。 Japanese follows English. Since yesterday, Yukie all the sudden thought "I wanted to east sushi roll with tuna!" (When she was going to sleep, she chnted "Tuna, tuna"...) So, we had sushi roll for today's dinner. Thi…
日本語は下にあります。 Japanese follows English. We usually spend our Saturdays for cleaning, washing and shopping. Today, Yukie cut Toshi's hair. Yukie has previously done it, but she always made a patch of boldness and failed every time.…
敏君の勉強などでずっと忙しく、 なかなか見れなかった紅白歌合戦をやっと鑑賞しました! 北海道に住むいとこがDVDに焼いてくれたもので、 はるばる海を越え山を越え、よくもまぁアイダホまで無事に来てくれたものです。 ほかにも年明けに放送された「古…
数日前に、日本人の友人からマンガ「美味しんぼ」の 中華料理スペシャル編を借りました。 その中で、餃子が何度も出てきて、 特に山岡さんと海原雄山の餃子対決に出てきた水餃子が ど~しても食べたくなってしまいました。 そこで、もちろん山岡さんのレシピ…
こちらに来たばかりの頃は、 外に出るときは5枚以上着込んでいたのですが、 最近寒さに慣れてきて、 今週は長袖トレーナーの上にコート1枚とかで出かけていました。 (だって室内はどこもとても暖かく、 現地の人は半そでで外を歩いたりしてるし・・・) 今日…
待ちに待った、日本からの荷物が届きました! みんなから頂いた郵便物なども入っていたので、お返事書きますね! 包丁や缶切りも入れていたので、これでやっと缶詰が食べられます。 そうそう、こちらは異様に缶詰が安いです。(1缶39セントとか) そして…
最近、ちょっとずつ自分から英語で話せるようになってきました。 今日の写真は、英語を学んでいるリーディングセンターの写真です。 受付のお兄さんに、May I take a picture? と言って撮らせてもらいました。 (ちなみに、奥に並んでいる机に座っていつも学…
日本語は下にあります。 Japanese follows English. This morning, when we started our computer, the internet connection was not working. We still don't know the cause. We rang a friend who is good with computers. Then, we tried restarting the…
日本語は下にあります。 Japanese follows English. Today was a day of shopping. In the morning, our landlord took us to a supermarket by car. In the afternoon, our Japanese friend took us to the Oriental Market (mainly Korean food) whih come…
日本語は下にあります。Japanese follows English. We went to a clinic for the first time in the US. (It's only 2 blocks from our apartment, and took us 5 minutes to walk there.) Now, we finally found out the gender of the baby! It's a LIL BO…
日本語は下にあります。 Japanese follows English. Today was the day we go to the WIC this month. We go once a month. We wrote a little about the WIC before, but we do not really know what kind of organization this is. They assist low-income…
日本語は下にあります。 Japanese follows English. Yukie went to English tutoring at school library, and she was given a homework in her first lesson. During the lesson, she wrote down words she didn't understand from the school newspaper pu…
日本語は下にあります。 Japanese follows English. Finally, Yukie's English lesson started. The teacher is a man, and he is quite a nice guy. (Perhaps, he is single, and has been a missionary.) Today, we introduced each other, and discussed …
日本語は下にあります。 Japanese follows English. Today was a holiday in US (a remorable day that Human Rights were equally given for African-Americans.) So, there was no school for Toshi. But, he went to study Chinese with his classmates a…
日本語は下にあります。 Japanese follows English. We decided to put both Japanese and English messages so that our friends here and in other countries can read this. (The contents are pretty much the same.) After I (Yukie) typed Japanese me…
日本語は下にあります。 Japanese follows Engish. The weather in Idaho was wonderful today. So, we went to shopping to a local supermarket, Broulim's after lunch. It's 15 minutes walk from our apartment, and we can get any food we want there…
日本語は下にあります。 Japanese follows English. We ate omelet rice for lunch. The taste was good, but the shape was not satisfactory. (Could anyone advise us how we can turn omelet well?) After we ate and our stomaches were filled, Toshi …
日本語は下にあります。 Japanese follows English. I (Yukie) am bored of staying at home all day, so in the evening, I tried going out for shopping by myself for the first time. Saying that, the destination is only to the Porter's, 3 minutes…
日本語は下にあります。 Japanese follows English. Recently, I (Yukie) cannot stop my appetite. ( = I am becoming fat.) When we first arrived in the US, we used to eat out, and I could not digest all the big and oily meals. Now I can eat a l…
日本語は下にあります。 Japanese follows English. Today, we went to the university's devotional held every Tuesday. Over here, it is common for a spouse of a student to attend every kind of activities as a married couple, so Yukie attended …
日本語は下にあります。 Japanese follows English. Toshi's schol started today, finally. Today, his first class was Chinese, and he learned how to count 1 to 10 in Chinese. The university Toshi attends is BYU-Idaho. The university has strong…
日本語は下にあります。 Japanese follows English. It's been 3 weeks since we arrived in the United States. How is everyone? We are doing well, and are getting used to life here. We hear winter in Japan is very cold this year, but our apartm…